We have recently received communication from AFL Barwon regarding the increase in anti-social, aggressive, childish, abusive, and undisciplined behaviour that has occurred recently within the junior football program.

As a club we want to remind everyone this behaviour is completely unacceptable and must come to an end. We cannot allow our junior games to be marred by disrespectful actions and unsportsmanlike conduct. As a club, we must take a firm stance against such behaviour and enforce a zero-tolerance policy for anyone breaching our code of conduct.

It is the responsibility of all individuals associated with our club, including players, spectators, volunteers, and umpires, to contribute to a safe and positive experience for everyone involved. We believe that football should foster camaraderie, fair play, and personal growth. Our club should be a place where young athletes feel supported, encouraged, and valued.

We urge everyone to revisit and familiarise themselves with the following codes of conduct at

Any witnessed incidents should be reported to either Sarah Langley or Zach Hickleton who will take appropriate action to address the matter. We encourage open communication and appreciate your cooperation in this regard.

Let’s work together to make Bannockburn Football Netball Club a shining example of integrity and good sportsmanship. By taking a united stance against unacceptable behaviour, we can ensure that our junior players enjoy their football experience and develop not only as athletes but also as individuals.


2024 Senior Women’s Coach


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